Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hello Everyone!!!
I hope everyone is having a great Holiday Season!!! I know I am sure enjoying it!!! I've baked cookies, made fudge, visited family, made hot cocoa, blah, blah, merry blah....I'm watching it snow outside my window right now. (Only 2" expected!! , glad I'm not any more east:)

I had to share the WONDERFUL news I just recieved!! The CPSIA has realized the unfair, and unrealistic aspects of the new laws and have issued another year to review and correct the laws!! So, yes I have already spent about 50 hours making myself compliant, (of which I still had some work to do), but now I know I am safe for another year! YEAH!!! I will have much to celebrate this weekend!!!

Not all bad things have come of this experience though. I have discovered that there is less lead in metal snaps than plastic buttons:), I have ordered my fabric labels of which shows datr of manufacture, city state and country. Washing instructions. So technically, I will now produce a safer product!! Which is wonderful!!!

So in February oof 2011, when the new law will come into force, I will have a lot less to do now! I'm so glad I didn't procastinate, I feel I will be offering a nicer/safer product from now on.

Happy Holidays!! Warm Wishes and Hugs!!!