Monday, July 5, 2010

Layaway...just in time for Back to School Shopping!!

Oh....Back to School shopping, with four daughters this is a daunting task.....and expensive!! I was thinking baout how much I should be saving back for this August expense, when it hit me that it would be so nice to be able to start shopping now....lightbulb......


So I'm so excited to offer layaway to all my wonderful customers!! For more details checkout my shop . As little as $5.00 can reserve your entire order!! While you are in my shop checkout my new banner and tell me what you it too girly??


  1. Layaway is a great idea for many. I'm sure several will appreciate it.

    I LOVE the new banner! Very fancy, not too girly! JUST right. :)

  2. Thanks Trisha, I was afraid it was a bit much, but had to give it a try. I figure it is eye catching:)
